Monday, October 4, 2010

Sweet dreams are made of meese. (Alternate title; Nappy headed ho)

     I took a nap today for a few hours. Admittedly, thats a little more than a nap. But when you sleep an average of 4 hours at night, a few hours is an essential length of time for a nap.
    Anyway. I had a dream that I smashed a mouse's head in with a hammer.
    That's the short version.

    So I had this dream that I was at work. I was working and there were a few other guys there, none of whom I recognized, but apparently I knew and worked with them.
    All of a sudden, they all jumped up and started chasing this mouse around, trying to capture it. One guy grabbed a newspaper and jumped on the mouse, pinning it under the paper. When he lifted the paper, we saw that he had smooshed about half the mouse into a paste. The poor little creature was still alive and looking at me, pitifully, with big black pleading eyes.
     The other guys were laughing and I started frantically looking for something to kill it with, to put it out if its misery. There was no way that it was going to live, and killing it quickly was the most humane and merciful thing I could do.

      After searching for what seemed like a few minutes, I found this a hammer. I rushed over to where the mouse was, surrounded by the other guys, and slammed the hammer down trying to hit the mouse. I missed, hit the concrete and just startled it. So, taking better aim and really driving it down, I smashed the mouse's head like a grape with the hammer.

      The whole while, in my dream, Im feeling terrible. And I woke up feeling terrible.
      That's the long version.


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